Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Opera in the Park

This past Saturday I attended the Madison Opera in the Park. I was invited by my friend Carl, and along with some of Carl's other friends and acquaintances we enjoyed a feast of cheeses (provided by Ken of Fromagination), bread, crackers, salad, fruit, wine and other assorted goodies. My tummy was well satisfied.

Carl and me.

A nice slection of cheeses courtesy Ken from Fromagination.

It was a lovely evening and the weather couldn't have been more perfect. There were several soloists but I have to say my favorite was 'Some Enchanted Evening' sung by Scott Ramsey. He has a voice that would make any woman swoon under his spell. Not only was the song incredible, but the moon was rising through and up over some trees. It was truly magickal!

It was a wonderful evening of good company, culinary delights and enchanting music . . .



  1. Oh this looks like SO much fun ~ I love outdoor concerts and those nibbles look delicious too! Carl looks like such a sweetie, thanks for showing him off!

  2. Sounds delicious and magical, I'm very happy you had a wonderful evening.

  3. This looks like fun! Food (and yummy looking too), friends and being outdoors...can't ask for more than that. :)

  4. I thought I recognized him! I just went to Fromagination a few weeks ago and loved it.

    I get out to Concerts on the Square sometimes, but I've never been to Opera in the Park. Where do they hold this one?


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment today! If you've left a question for me, I'll respond by emailing you personally. Have a wonderful day!

Blessed Be,