“You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.
Don't turn away from possible futures before you're certain you don't have anything to learn from them.”

~ Richard Bach, Jonathan Livingston Seagull ~

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One World One Heart

The One World One Heart event has sadly come to an end. Please click HERE to see the lucky participants who have won the Reiki Distant Healing Session AND gift basket and the second prize of the Reiki Distant Healing Session. Blessed Be!

Welcome to the 2011 One World One Heart Blogging Event. Our gracious hostess for this event is Lisa Swifka of 'A Whimscial Bohemian'.

One World One Heart is a worldwide event for bloggers. It gives all those who blog a chance to meet and mingle and form connections with those they may not have otherwise met from all over the world. In the past four years this event has grown to over 1,000 participants with lasting friendships (and even one love connection) formed along the way. Think of it as a GIGANTIC open house allowing you to travel without ever leaving your home . . . going from blog to blog (in various countries) seeing the wonder each one has created and meeting all the fabulous people behind those blogs. As a bonus each blogger participant will offer up a "door prize or prizes" . . . just for dropping by, saying hello and seeing their world. It's really that easy!"

I'm so glad you stopped by today . . . my name as you've probably already guessed is Teresa and I'm a wife, domestic diva, care giver to four dogs and three parrots, and a Reiki Practitioner. I love to garden, craft, dance, make music and magick and most of all I adore my connection to Spirit. It was through Spirit that I was guided to learn Reiki and to share it with people and animals. It is also my intention to share Reiki with the world to bring about harmony and peace.

One of the great things about this event is that we're able to share a little bit of ourselves with those who visit us and leave a comment. By doing so we're not only connecting on a mundane level, but we're also connecting spiritually through our love of blogging.

I've recently become a Certified Reiki Level I Practitioner and will be a Certified Reiki Level II Practitioner by the time this event ends. At that time I will be attuned to do Distance Healing, so what better way to send my joy of Reiki out into the world than to share it with you. Thus, I am offering one Reiki Distance Healing Session to one lucky participant.

Picture is for demonstration only, but yours will be equally fabulous!

But that's not all! Since my aim is to pamper and adore my clients, I'm also including a gift basket which will be full of all kinds of goodies to pamper yourself with including chocolate (what would a pampering gift-basket be without chocolate?), a divinely scented soap, a candle, some tea and a special mug to steep it in, bath salts (which will be handmade by me), a bath sachet (also made by me) and some soothing lip balm. I'll likely throw in some other goodies as I think of them and how best to pamper the lucky winner!

A little bit of information regarding Reiki . . .

REI - higher knowledge or spiritual consciousness
KI - life energy

Reiki is a centuries-old Japanese healing method which had been lost to the world. In the early 1900's Mikao Usui was sent, as part of his early Buddhist training, to fast and meditate at the top of Mt. Kurama. He placed 21 stones around him to mark each day's passing. On the 21st day he was struck with the knowledge of Reiki and the Universal Light Force Energy. During the remainder of his life he taught and practiced Reiki.

Using light hand placements to direct universal life force energy to the body and energy field, Reiki is simultaneously powerful and gentle and can assist in healing illnesses and injuries ranging from multiple sclerosis and cancer to broken bones, headache, cold and flu. Because Reiki works on all levels of our being — physical, emotional, mental and spiritual — one can also expect benefits such as improved self-esteem, confidence, clarity, focus and peace of mind. Reiki is used by and for people of every religion.

Reiki works to improve the effectiveness of other therapies. A treatment feels like a warm and glowing radiance and has many benefits for both client and practitioner, including altered states of consciousness and heightened spiritual experiences. Reiki improves the results of medical treatments, reduces negative side effects, shortens healing time, reduces or eliminates pain and stress, and helps create hopefulness. It is extremely relaxing and non-invasive.

Reiki Principles
Just for today, do not anger.
Just for today, do not worry.
Just for today, be grateful for your blessings.
Just for today, do your work with honesty and integrity.
Just for today, be kind to all living beings.

Please be sure to comment on this post and leave me your contact information to enter. I will announce the winner at midnight on February 17th!

I hope you enjoy visiting all the fabulous participants of this year's One World One Heart event and that you have a blessed day!

UPDATE: I am now happy to say that I am a Certified Reiki Level II Practitioner! Yay! I also wanted to add that because I have had such an awesome response to this post and because I feel there is a need, I'm going to offer a SECOND PRIZE of a Reiki Distant Healing Session.

Sending you Reiki Love and remember to Live in the Light!



Marfi-topia said...

thank you for this informative post.
its nice to hear more about you also.
have a wonderful day!

Niky Sayers said...

Such a beautiful blog! and what better to gift to give then hopefulness.
Have a lovely day.
Niky x

Susan said...

Hi Tereza,
Your blog is so beautiful, peaceful and informational. What a lovely stop along the OWOH flight. It's so lovely to meet you and learn about what's important to you. Blogging has been such a wonderful experience for this very reason. Please enter me in your drawing. When you have a chance, I hope you'll pop over and say hello. Warm regards, Susan #282


daffy said...

i enjoyed your blog and reading about Reiki i had heard of it before but didn't really know what it was very interesting , and Congraduation on becoming a level 2 practitioner
and since this is a get to know you type of event below is a bit about me
I am a fellow blogger I live in Missouri with my husband and 8 cats who i know run the household
I love odd and unusual i do a little bit of everything art wise , I like to work with paper , clay, found objects , most anything really ,I love the challenge of trying something new , I even write poetry on the rare occasion that my mind wonders in that direction
carolyn h

gpc said...

I have heard of Reiki but never experienced it. I have a deep respect for ancient teachings that have endured. I am happy to meet you. I enjoyed visiting your blog and hope you will visit me, too!

Terry Spier-Kalmar said...

Hi - great giveaway - I am a Reiki Master and enjoyed reading your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway - would love to win!


# 142 for my giveaway.

Michaele Sommerville said...

I had never heard of Reiki before- but your introduction to it makes it sound so peaceful and well-intentioned, a nice change from the frantic and manipulative environment so many embrace these days!

If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll drop by both of my giveaways (at Twigs and Tulle and Kindergarten’s 3 R’s: I’m giving away a mini bunting and some pattern blocks) during this awesome blogging event! Happy OWOH!



BumbleBeeLane said...

So calming! Count me in on the lovely giveaway.If I should be the lucky winner just leave me a comment on my blog.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Morgaine Pendragon said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I'd love a chance to win. Please count me in.

Mila said...

Hi Tereza :)
OMG...so lovely giveaway!
Pls count me in and if you want, pls take a moment to visit my #58 on Magic Carpet :)
Thank you for the chance to win!
Hugs from Tuscany, Italy
Mila :)

#58 on Magic Carpet

peggy said...

I'm travelling around the world thanks to OWOH. !!!
Nice to meet you and your blog , your prize is just stunning !!! I would looooove to win.
Keep my fingers crossed
Lots of greetings from Belgium,



trisha too said...

Happy OWOH to you, Tereza and thank you for sharing your talents!

I'm flying along, too--stop by if you get a chance. :)
trishatoo at hotmail dot com

Monique Kleinhans said...

What a beautiful gift...thank you even just the THOUGHT of a distance session has me grinning and remembering the first reiki session I ever had. I had no idea what to expect and at first thought it would be like a massage..."why aren't they touching me?" I thought...'is this going to be....WHOAH! why are there all these colors flying through my head!" lol I'm so grateful for people who connect to the spirit and then share that healing with the world. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

I would gladly and humbly accept your beautiful gift should I be your lucky winner. But regardless it is a pleasure to stop by your blog, and I hope you can visit me when you have a moment.



Mixed Media/ Altered Crafts said...

Hello From Ky! Stopping in for a visit from the OWOH Bloggers Event! I would love to win your basket of googies! I SURELY COULD USE THE DE-STRESSING! So Many Talented and Creative Bloggers out Here!
Count me in for your door prize please! And Thank You! Tee

Unknown said...

Beautiful blog. I could sure use this offering! Thank you for taking the time to offer this lovely gift and thank you for the opportunity to win!

artbrat said...

You have a beautiful blog. Congratulations on following your passion and becoming certified in Reikki. I enjoyed my stop to visit.

ziggy stardust said...

what a lovely giveaway! please add me to the draw. if you have a chance I would love it if you would come by my blog, #437!


Amy said...

Greetings from Virginia, US. Thanks for your giveaway. I would love to win your lovely prize. Please visit me and enter my giveaway at www.knitterofhatsspeaks.blogspot.com OWOH participant #523
avennett AT verizon DOT net

Saskia said...

Tereza, Wow... I just started my lessons 'intuitive growth' and now i'm discovering your blog!! Reiki is so new to me! Someone, somewhere is going to be very happy with your lovely giveaway...I can only dream it's me! :)

OWOH is a great trip around the (blog) world, thanks!!

Sweet greetings, Saskia

nr 214 on the list

fortuitous faery said...

so that's what reiki's about! thanks for enlightening us!

greetings from frigid new jersey!

OWOH #528: http://missigorota.blogspot.com/2011/02/miss-iggy-opens-her-heart-to-owoh.html


Susan said...

Hi Teresa, you know me through Wendy! I am in the need of some healing...lots wrong with this body and mind and heart and soul (much negativity coming from the grown kids lately)

Please toss me nae into your drawing, what a wonderful prize! and come visit #209.
I am now a follower :)
Susan (Pieces of Fate)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful gift your giving....
I would love on many levels to win your giveaway...

Mys sister in law is a Reiki master... She's a beautiful soul giving to others....

Thank you for the beautiful music as well...
: ) Pattee

Anonymous said...

Hello, Tereza
My name is Teresa!
I love your blog and it is wonderful to see you are one comforts people.
Your giveaway gifts look comforting.
Blessings coming your way
Teresa in California

laura said...

I am so glad to have this opportunity to meet you. This is my first year with OWOH and it has been an amazing adevnture. I have made new friends already! If you have time please wander over to my blog and say hello. I am #476 on the list.
Blessed be~

Michelle said...

What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the info on Reiki. Please count me in. I flew here via the OWOH event and I'm #598 on the list. ~Michelle

Artist Victoria O'Neill said...

wow, nice to visit an original.....!!!! so happy that you are giving of yourself in life to help others....that is what it is all about isn't it. to bring forth your gifts to share.
hope to win your lovely gift(s)!!!!!

Artist Victoria O'Neill said...

btw tried to go to your etsy shop but the link doesn't work

Gypsea Nurse said...

Oh my.. I think this is kismet.... First.. I love your blog! Second... I wish I could go on and on about why I love your giveway!! Being a nurse... with Lupus who just had spinal surgery due to patient assault.... bad ticker... ADD..and so on.. You are like an angel to me.. Oh did I mention the stress from a divorce?
Ok.. so needless to say..
I absolutely adore your giveaway!
Cat @ Tatteredrebel.blogspot.com

jacque4u2c said...

Greetings from Louisville, KY - USA
Nice to meet you and visit your blog.
Winning your give away would be awesome!
Thanks for including me in your drawing..Come visit me, I am playing too.


Lisa said...

What an interesting give away. I've heard of Reiki but not of distance Reiki. Sounds really cool, I am intrigued. Count me in on the give away! My blog is number 669 if you'd like to visit a neighbor to the south :-)

Arya said...

Thank you for being apart of the OWOH journey across the world! I have found so many lovely blogs and yours is one of them!!

I'm from Idaho and you can come take a peek at my BLOG anytime.


Jessica said...

Your post is so soothing. :) I would love a gift basket like this, to be pampered!

I'm at..

Shama-Lama Mama said...

Hi! I have heard of Reiki but don't know a lot about it. This might be a great way to be introduced!

I see you own and love parrots! You should pop over to my blog... there is a whole flock currently living in my front yard and I posted some video of them!

Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

A very special giveaway. Would love to win.Would love to win.Thank you to give a chance to win. Please feel free to visit me. http://www.toscania-art-life.blogspot.com/
Hugs Angelika

vintage wil said...

Great giveaway ! please cout me in!!!

Birgit said...

Hi Tereza,

How lovely to meet you! I truly hope that the one who is needing your help the most will win your door prize.

Sending lots and lots of positive energy your way,
# 66

Plumrose Lane said...

Ah, I'm a little late to the party (schools been keeping me hopping) but SO happy I could make it! What a fabulous giveaway you're having and how proud you must feel for your accomplishment Teresa, WOW! Congratulations!! You're moving along so quickly through your classes, I'm almost envious, LOL! Keep up the great work and best of luck to all your entries!


Tumbleweed Trails said...

What a great post. It would seem that I can smell the aroma from the basket of goodies all the way here. Hope you have oodles of fun during OWOH. I've enjoyed it so much over the years seeing all of the wonderful blogs and meeting everyone. Thanks for your participation in the event.
visionquest2020 AT msn DOT com

Nic said...

I am from WI too! Wausau actually. One of my very good friends is a Reiki practitioner. Hope you didn't get hit to hard by the storm. Stay warm! Shooting stars to you! Visit me at #517!

Threads of Inspiration said...

I'm so grateful I found your blog, it is beautiful as well as informative. I recently had my first full Reiki session and found it relaxing and healing. Thank you for the opportunity to win a long distance session and you wonderful basket. I just noticed you are from Wisconsin, me too! I'm from Stevens Point and the other night I met Nic (from comment above) through OWOH. This is amazing!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blog and heart you have. I have never had a Reiki session but I have heard of how wonderful they are from friends who have. Thank you for your generous giveaway. It is lovely to meet you, and get to know you by your blog a bit!

Happy OWOH!

Jennifer Hall
My Email: Miss.Jennifer.Hall@gmail.com
My Blog: http://slyfoxcrafts.wordpress.com/

Kim said...

I have always wanted to try reiki. What a neat idea for a giveaway - thanks for the chance to win :)

Fiona said...

Merry Meet Thereza - I'm so glad to have found your blog through OWOH - your art work is gorgeous and I love the quote at the top of your blog - may I use it on my blog also? Your prize is wonderful - I have been the lucky recipient of Reiki many times and even use it on my animals - your basket of goodies would be a joyous gift - please pop by my OWOH giveaway also - Brightest Blessings

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

So lovely to meet you. I love your site and your gift.
I just entered my site today I am number 745. So excited to me involved

ardith said...

What a wonderful blog, and giveaway. What could be better than to win your generous basket of hope! I'd love to win it, so toss my name in the hat please! If you are out and about in the blogshere come on over to #521 to meet me!

Cindy said...

You are too good to us! Thank you so very much for giving us the chance to win such a wonderful and generous gift. :)


Paper Bagley said...

I can feel the goodness all the way to Oregon...i recently have been taking Tai Chi, I understand I is not the same but it feel good. With age I have become of low energy so I am trying to gain it back....great give away for health...come by...Tootsie

Christina Lytle said...

Thank-you so much for the opportunity to win your lovely giveaway...
OWOH #502

Connie said...

what a terrific gift basket you are giving away! your blog is very inspirational. please drop by to visit mine.

MarieNeige said...

I also have started Reiki, 1st level only, here in France and would love a Reiki distance healing session... this is a wonderful gift!
Do pop over to my blog as well at #218.

Klik said...

So interesting giveaway! Count me in, please :)
I'm from Russia:)


Belinda said...

Hi Im Belind Nice to meet you .Love your Blog!!
Please visit mine.My door prize is a OOAK polymer bunting baby
hugs Belinda

Belinda said...

Hi Im Belinda Nice to meet you .Love your Blog!!
Please visit mine.My door prize is a OOAK polymer bunting baby
hugs Belinda

Jingle said...

This sounds very interesting! Congratulations on your new endeavor! jinglesells at gmail dot com #357

Artfully Musing said...

Hailing you from sunny Arizona. I've enjoyed visiting your blog and learning about you. I hope you’ll visit my blog and signup to win my prizes. Laura

Shirley said...

Reiki sounds so interesting!

Fat Dormouse said...

What an amazing giveaway gift! Your blog is reaklly interesting telling me lots about reiki that I didn't know. Thank you!
I'm participating in OWOH for the first time and really enjoying travelling around the world meeting other bloggers. Thank you for sharing yours. I hope you can come and visit me (if you haven't already...I'm already losing track of who has been where!) at http://dormouse.wibsite.com/2011/02/02/one-world-one-heart-2011/


Jodaeodesign said...

What a beautiful idea. Please include me in your drawing.

Unknown said...

awesome, I need some pampering, lol!!

be sure to stop by my blog for the OWOH giveaway!

Melanie the Muse said...

Greetings from Ipswich, MA. I love OWOH and the chance to meet so many wonderful creative people. You have a beautiful blog. Your gift will be very special to whom ever receives it.

I hope you will visit my blog and look around.
I'm offering one of my shabby chic denim necklaces as my OWOH gift. I'm #509.

Linda L

email: LamoreJewelry@gmail.com

silvia said...

Hi Tereza~Nice to meet you! I've had a wonderful time visiting your blog and meeting your family. Your birds are quite the characters.

Nanbon44 said...

So very nice to meet you, I love visiting all these wonderful blogs and seeing what everyone is working on, there are so many talented people here..

Please enter my name in your lovely drawing
Bonnie in Florida

Visit my blogs
# 566 and # 567

Shauna Henry said...

I had no idea there was such a thing as distance reiki. Thank you for the information! I love learning about new things.

Your blog is gorgeous!

I hope you are having a great journey through OWOH!

Please stop by my giveaway if you have the time!


Sylvia Smiser said...

Hi Teresa,
Thank you for teaching me something new today. I am learning so much from your blog. I do hope you will pick me as your winner. I would be so elated to receive all your gifts.
Thank you,
# 711

Unknown said...

Greetings from Cornwall,UK. Thankyou for offering such a special givaway, dedicating your time to help another!

Regina said...

It was wonderful wandering through you world today on my OWOH journey. Thank you for having me.

Love the gift you are offering.

I hope that you will come and visit me too in Alabama on your next outing. #104 Southern Ooaks


Susan Burgess said...

I love being pamperred. That basket sure would be a nice treat. I always wanted to be a healer too. I have my undergrad in Fine art and my grad in Couseling I was going to be an art therapist but life took a turn. I am now a stay at home dissabeld Vet. I think God does use my abilities in other ways though. The ar of healing through touch would be some awesome gift! Still praying for that one! Sanna

Sonja said...

Very interesting post. I am very curious and also love getting pampered.
Please feel free to look at my blog as well (#785)

birdandflower - paper doll maker said...

I love Reiki energy. Thank you for such a beautiful door prize. I am bookmarking your blog.
feel free to look at mine #790.

BabesbyBarb said...

thanks for teaching me about Reiki energy, your giveaway sound lovely. Please stop by my blog and enter my drawing

Healing Woman said...

If I win, I would prefer to transfer my gift from you of a healing session to my daughter. She has cancer but we are in the 6th year of the fight and we will continue. Your gift of the session and all the wonderful pampering items is very generous and much appreciated. Please definitely add my name to the draw and come over for a visit to number 92.


I had heard of Reiki, but thought it was a massage! What little did I know! To do it long distance, seems hardly probable, but I know any thing is possible even through prayer! Could use some as my mom faces another surgery at the end of this month. I only hope this time it works! Thanks for offering your unique talents. Stop by my blog when you have time to enter there. #220 needlewings at mac dot com.

Gabriela said...

Hello from Ohio....great getting to know you!
I would love to win your giveaway!My sister is a Reiki Master also...
Gabriela #439

Kim Reid said...

I'd love a chance to enter your beautiful giveaway!
Thanks :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com

Teri said...

Your blog is wonderfully calm and serene. You have a fantastic giveaway. Thanks for sharing! I have become a follower.
Glad I found you! Please include me in
your giveaway.
Come visit me at
Blessings to you! Teri abella4@att.net

Cheryl said...

Greetings from Fresno, California :-)
Please enter me in your drawing for your lovely give-away gift.
~Cheryl over @ Artsy Fartsy

Unknown said...

This unique gift basket is so gorgeous. What a treasure. What a treat. Congratulations on your level II status. Bravo and raising my glass in a toast to you. Will you please add my name in for a chance to win your draw? Thanks, Norma (95)

AlwaysInspired said...

Merry meet! What a wonderful prize! Everyone can use some pampering!
Please stop by and enter my OWOH! I'm #50!

Aimee Jeffries said...

What a wonderful gift of relaxation! Bright Blessings to you. Happy OWOH, nice to meet you :)


Anonymous said...

If you get a chance stop by my blog and check out my giveaway
I am number #25
trinaxxl (at) yahoo (dot) com

Micki said...

What a lovely package and I would love to be pampered by it all. Thanks for the chance to win. Please visit me at Irish Muses at #678.

AtomicWarBride said...

WOW! What an incredible giveaway!!! I have to tell you, I could use some healing right about now, physically and spiritually! :) So Please sign me up for your awesome drawing!

Please check mine out for my OWOH giveaway!


Seattle WA

Anonymous said...

what a lovely giveaway! my hubby is a certified level 1 reiki practitioner, too. it is such a gift to be able to heal through touch. i would love to win your awesome giveaway. thank you so much and i am looking forward to reading more of your blog.
-from a Canadian living in Canada but wishing she was living in Australia!

Lynn Stevens said...

What a wonderful giveaway, Please include me for your beautiful basket.
I'm Lynn (#65) on the list, stop on by if you havent yet!

Cameron said...

Such a beautiful blog...both in look and in content :)

So nice to be here!

Cameron #83

Lucy Ladham-Dyment said...

This is a great gift. I am #694 on OWOH, check me out. lmdyment@hotmail.com

Carole Burant said...

Hi Teresa, so lovely to meet you! I had heard of Reiki but never really understood what it was all about so thank you for telling us more about it. Fascinating!!

Make sure you come by and enter my own giveaway if you haven’t done so already!!

Hugs, PEA from Canada xox

Shai Williams said...

Oh what a great blog and an awesome giveaway! I have always been interested in Reiki and would love to try it. Please enter me in your drawing.

I am also joining in the fun. Be sure to stop by and say hi. I am number 650.


just me said...

wonderful blog please throw my name in the hat!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

This sounds amazing...all of those beautiful products! I would indeed feel pampered! Thank you and visit me....I'm #389! ♥

SpiritMama said...

Hi Tereza,
I love your giveaway, and I can't think of anything better! I have had Reiki 1 training, so I know the value of what you are offering. Thank you!
I'd love it if you stop by my blog giveaway too!
Waxela (wa-shay-la)

Geri said...

Would love this! Thank you for offering and if I'm meant to win it, my name will be drawn. I'm enjoying my worldwide blog tour! If I'm lucky enough to win, please contact me through my blog

Unknown said...

Merry meet! Nice to meet you! I really like your blog! That's a great giveaway! I would love to win. Thanks for the opportunity! Come enter my giveaway when you get a chance. #788

Lucy said...

So inspirational, gorgeous blog, Sweet Giveaway~Hi from Ontario Canada

Mervi said...

Reiki therapy is familiar to me, I've been in such a treatment few times, and it works. Lovely giveaway!

Nice to meet you via OWOH, I'm number *451*
Greetings from Finland;-))m

leikkaan at gmail.com

FairlyGirly said...

A lovely pamper kit. Thanks for the chance to win. Please pop over to my blog and enter mine http://fairlygirly.blogspot.com/ #636

Wendy said...

Hi Teresa,
I love your blog and read it all the time so was so happy to see you join :) Wow, Reiki healing and such a beautiful basket of loveliness. What a wonderful and generous offering.

Please enter my name for a chance to win your giveaway.

Thank you so much and blessings
Wendy : )

"The Year of the Cats"

Gardening Helen said...

Great give away - count me in - and I would really like to learn more about Reiki - and is it really the year of the cats?

Please visit me at blog # 594~

Helen Fern

Sue Young said...

Well THIS giveaway is just too cool!Just what I need! I am into yoga,so this is right up my alley!thanks for the chance to win it!

Anne said...

I would love to experience a Reiki session with you!!!! It was so nice to stay awhile and enjoy a coffee with you. If you get the chance I would love you to visit me downunder (Australia) so I can return the favour. #819 mustlovepaint.blogspot.com

Sara said...

I would so love to win your giveaway - it is a most wonderful giveaway...

nhsarab at yahoo dot com

s hyler said...

I would love to be included in your wonderful drawing, if you get the chance my blog is #809

Mallory said...

Oh wow! This is too much! I'll be dreaming about winning this one. Thanks for the chance :)

goodasgoldie at yahoo dot com

Wendy said...

Tereza, I could use some healing.
Hello and may I just say how happy I am to meet you. Happy OWOH. I am so excited to be a part of this and would love the opportunity to be a part of your door prize.
It has been wonderful to stop by and visit and I hope you will drop in during your adventures around Blogland.
Wishes and Whimsy
WeNdy from WonDErLand


Gracie "Neky White" said...

What a generous giveaway! thank you so much for the chance to win this gorgeous prizes! I like the Reiki principles, I might try to follow them and know more about this
come to enter my giveaway if you haven't already



Rusted Wings said...

what lovely offerings from a lovely heart!
please drop by my blog #30,
warm hugs & blessings from Montana,

Barbara Olivo Cagle said...

Hi Tereza, I can't wait to learn more about Reiki. Sounds so interesting. If I only win one prize I pray it's yours. Please visit my blog, too. I am the author of "16 x MOM: A Mastery of Motherhood." I am giving away my book and a couple of laminated 4 leaf clovers.

Dianne said...

So awesome! I have a friend who is certified too and has sent me Reiki a few times.
Please enter me in your draw and come over to my blog-#348 and try your luck there. Thanks and Good Luck!

CathyH said...

Hi Tereza! It was so interesting to learn about you and Reiki. Beautiful! Thank you!
cathyguitarteacher-77 at yahoo.com

Nancy Markosky said...

Thank you for the information on Reiki- I had seen it mentioned before but didn't know anything about it- I enjoyed reading about it. Please add my name to your generous drawing and be sure to stop and visit me at lucky #777 on the list.

Julie Ann said...

Hi Tereza!! Congratulations on your Reiki certification!! That's super awesome :) I wish you lived near me so I could come to you for a session! I hope you meet lots of inspiring people on your journey with OWOH this year!

Flowermouse Design ❀ Lone said...

Hi Tereza - so nice to meet you!!! And what a great giveaway, so generous of you!!!

Please enter me in your giveaway (my email is in my profile) and stop by my giveaway if you like.

Greetings from Norway (where there´s a snowstorm right now)

Loralynn said...

Fantastic giveaway! Please enter me in your giveaway!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I enjoyed the Reiki information. I have had one of these healings before, but I wasn't sure it did much for me. The person was just learning and was not yet certified. Please enter me in your giveaway and visit me, if you haven't already. I'm number 11 and my information is on my profile page.

Tina Leavy said...

nice to meet you through this event. hope you'll stop by and say hi. so nice to see all of the wonderful creativity across blog land.

Shariyah said...

Wow- what an incredible prize you are offering... it sounds just divine! Thank you for offering such a beautiful gift, I'd love to enter my name in to win! If you'd like, please stop by my blog (if you haven't already) where I'm giving away an original painting (by me of course!)...I hope to see you there!
Peace & Love, from New Zealand...


danit said...

Hi Tereza, I did not know Distance Reiki is possible, but I would be so happy receiving one. thank you.

Helen Campbell said...

Hello from Washington state. I've enjoyed browsing your blog, very interesting. I hope you come visit me too at #769. Cheers!

Sandy said...

Oooh, I would love to win the distance Reiki gift - it would go to my sister who is dealing with so much right now (though I admit to being tempted to keep the gift box to myself). Please do enter my name in the giveaway.

I am giving away earrings on my blog as well as making Bottles of Hope on my giveaway. http://blog.simple-inspirations.com/

Marie said...

What a lovely and NEEDED prize!~
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
OWOH giveaway

Esme said...

Thank you for this-I would love to participate in a session.

chocolate and croissants at yahoo . com

Deborah said...

This is an awesome giveaway Teresa. My friend has been inviting me to Reiki sessions for months now. Reading your post has persuaded me to at least try it. Please add me to the giveaway list for your adorable and come over and visit me too. I am #229 on the list.

Gale said...

Hello from Oregon! Thanks for letting me peek around in your blog and enter your giveaway.
Thanks for the chance to win! Reiki, had never heard of it before. Sounds pretty cool.
Please feel free to come to my blog and enter for my doorprize as well!
:) Gale OWOH #473

Lorri said...

Its so nice to meet you :)
I am a reiki master and an artist too - It would be nice if you visited my blog too, it's more about the art right now though. I have been through an awful time the last couple of years and would LOVE a reiki distant session with you!
Please enter me too!
Visit mine too if you get the chance.. time is running out!

Joe Madl said...

a big howdy from montana! thank you for letting me mosey around your blog. you are very talented and i have enjoyed my stay and will return again soon!

i love your gift! how wonderful it would be to be pampered with your reiki distance healing session and all those wonderful little pleasures. please add me to your drawing.

stop by my blog and drop your name in my hat, too!


Digital Misfit said...

Your blog is beautiful. I have long been fascinated by Reiki.
Thank you for participating in OWOH 2011. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog, #51, on your journey.
Hugs from ON, Canada

Leslie said...

What a great prize. I had heard of Reiki but was not sure exactly what it was. Thank you for the informative post. Your gift basket is fabulous too. Thanks for the chance to win.


nfmgirl said...

Wonderful! I've considered looking into Reiki. I heard Dr. Oz say his wife is a Reiki practitioner. If a medical doctor like him believes there is something to it (has had it proven to his scientific mind), I'd love to learn more. I think it may actually tie into some of my existing beliefs.

Please count me in. Thank you!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com


Speak To Me said...

Beautiful post. What a blessing such a session would be.

Fallingladies said...

I'd love to learn more about Reiki healing. Come by my blog to see my falling ladies... I plan to stop back to read more of your blog later...

Gail said...

Firstly, congratulations on your endeavors! Dang, you're busy :) 2ndly (is that even the correct spelling?) haha, what a fabtabulouse gift! I myself have never heard of Reiki but I DO love a good healing now and then :)

Lezlei Ann Young said...

Please enter me in your OWOH Giveaway! If I am the winner, you can contact me at BREATHofART@aol.com. Take a moment to visit my blog and enter my OWOH Giveaway at www.breathofart.blogspot.com


Teresa aka Tess said...

Tereza (love that spelling), I have never seen reike explained so well. You made me wish you loved next door so I could visit you and talk more of this. Count me in and I will be hoping to win.

JoanMarie said...

I think I could stay in your blog forever! The music and visuals are divine!
I really need to get my Reiki blog online. I am a Reiki master-Karuna level practitioner.
I really feel quite at home here. So at peace and relaxed...and I thank you for that. This alone is such an angelic gift!
I'm so happy to have found you through OWOH!
Namaste Tereza!
Angel hugs,
My art blog is: http://joanshomestudio.blogspot.com

WW said...

Hello from Iowa,
Please enter me in your drawing.
Come visit me, I'm #417.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Oh my mercy...what a grand gift! After being on the cancer "journey" with my husband these last months, I could use some pampering! Thanks for the opportunity and, when you've time, please visit Thistle Cove Farm.

K said...

Merry Meet Theresa, you have a very interesting blog & I am now a follower :-)

What a very generous giveaway, shall keep my fingers crossed.

Lisa said...

Ohhh, Tereza, I almost want to cry I want this so much ! Attachment is bad, I know...but still...

I LOVE the concept of your blog and am so anxious to look around more. I have been through yoga teacher training and practiced for over 2 years - as such, have come in contact with many friends who practice Reiki. Oddly enough, I've never had a session! It is TIME.

Thank you so much for acknowledging your goddess self and for sharing her with us. :)
#17 on OWOH - www.lifeunity.com

Gypsea Nurse said...

Tereza~ Amazing is the only word I can come up with,
Simply Amazing!

ArtNomadix Megg said...

Hi Tereza,

Thankyou for being you ! I have written down the words under Reiki Principles, and shall make up a wall print with them on it, so I SEE them every day.

Please visit my blog at
I didn't have time this year to fully take part in OWOH but have enjoyed skimming thru, finding some very interesting people yet again.

Love Light and Rainbows
Megg m.jack47@yahoo.com

Sunshineshelle said...

So nice to meet you (I'm Shelle by the way) I've learnt a little about something I've only been semi conscious about until now... Reiki! Seeing I walked through your open Blogger doorway, I'd like to ask you if you have time to drop in at mine too (I don't think I've seen you yet and you have a cool blog - NOT TO MENTION THE PRIZES)...After OWOH if you're in the bloggersphere my blog door's always open :) Now let's keep enjoying this hurly burly wonderful One World One Heart EXTRAVAGANZA :) before it times out!!!

Itaya Art said...

How very generous of you! I would love a Reiki session from you or any of the other pampering things you are offering. I am a Reiki level 3 and know that receiving from another Reiki practitioner can make a huge difference versus practicing on myself. :) Thank you for including me in this wonderful giveaway!

http://itaya.blogspot.com AND

HeARTworks said...

Greetings from the Philippines, Tereza! I am so glad i dropped by and was not too late- I agree that is a fabulous giveaway! I will be back for loa longer visit after OWOH. Patsy.paterno (at) gmail.com from

martha brown said...

Thanks for telling us more about reiki -- there was a lot I didn't know! Please enter me into your draw-- thank you so much!
~martha (#384)
(from Toronto :)

Sean said...

From the Florida Gulf Coast
I am entering for my daughter Melanie, she had wanted to participate in this year's event, but a fire changed her plans... I thought I would surprise her and do this for her..
Visit the site I set up for her on my blog #579.. and enter her name in the contest, thank You


janil said...

Great prize!!!
Thanks for the chance and greetings from Spain!
cal_rubies at yahoo dot es

SusanLotus said...

Such a wonderful prize with alot of love! <3

I hope you are having fun and find this journey as inspiring as I do!

Please come and visit my blog as well if you haven´t already! :)

Warmest regards
Susan, nr 471 <3


Carapace said...

How fantastic- the giveaway, AND your detailed explanation of Reiki! Clearly you love your work!

Hope you're finding lots of blogs to love, too! happy OWOH!


Muhammad Atif said...

One of the great things about this event is that we're able to share a little bit of ourselves with those who visit the blog, Send gifts to Pakistan from UK.