Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winter's First Snow

After snowing all night and most of yesterday we ended up with four inches of snow and a nice blanket of white covering the starkness of fall. Waking up this morning to a blue sky and sunshine, we couldn't resist the urge to go for a drive in the country. I also had an ulterior motive . . . I needed a pine log!

We had a beautiful drive and did manage to find a grove of pine trees that had been felled beside a cemetery. We looked around for a bit and found the perfect log.

After stopping off at our local nursery for some greens, holly and mistletoe, and getting settled back at home, I set to work putting together my Yule log. I also found some rafia, floral picks and pine cones in my stash.

While at the garden center, I also found this adorable little plant called a 'Frosty Fern'. Isn't it cute? Brian found the perfect weathered urn for it and it will make a great addition to my Yule altar.

All in all, a great day spent in and around nature . . . life doesn't get any better than that!

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  1. It looks like a beautiful day, I have never had a yule log but now am tempted. very nice. have a great week. hugs.

  2. gorgeous photos glad you manged to find a yule log. Hugs Sara

  3. Beautiful photos. We haven't gotten enough snow yet to get pretty pictures like yours.
    Seshat Moon Willow

  4. Just catching up on my visiting and was captivated by the beautiful snowy photos you took. I love how the white stuff settled on all the aspects of your yard ~ beautiful! Your Yule log came out perfect too!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment today! If you've left a question for me, I'll respond by emailing you personally. Have a wonderful day!

Blessed Be,