I can't get Sedona off my mind. The red rocks. The energy that's palpable in the blood. The rhythym of life. And how time seems to stand still there. Husband and animals nothwithstanding, I believe I would have stayed there in my little hotel/apartment. A shift has occurred knocking my paradigm off kilter. I'm different somehow and I feel that changes are imminent. I'm just not sure how those changes are going to manifest. For now, I'll try to relax and allow the flow of the Universe to guide me.

I took a Karuna Reiki® class with Laurelle and Michael at Peace Place. It was a wonderful class and I learned so much. Karuna Reiki® is different from Usui Reiki in that is goes much deeper, to the soul, and it is loving and compassionate while healing at this deeper level. On Sunday night, after the last day of class, I had a healing crisis. It felt as if my Solar Plexus was going to explode out of my body and envelope me in a cloud of dust. And had I known I was going to get that sick, I would not have had pizza for dinner . . . I should have listened to my intuition when it said, "eat something light for supper!".

I met a wonderful new friend and as serendipity would have it she was in the room below me at the hotel. We shared early morning hikes, lunches and dinners together. And we talked. She called us soul sisters and bought me a little Rose Quartz angel. Little did she know that she was my angel.

I met a friend on Monday who I've known for several years, but never had the chance to meet in person. Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling very well, so we had a light lunch and visited and then I made my excuses and went back to my hotel room to lie down. I'm grateful for comfy couches and for the fact that she had brought her daughter along to keep her company.

On Tuesday, I spent the day with Mark and Michael from Mystical Tours. We hiked up one of the mountains and did some meditation and chakra clearing. It was spectacular. Then we split into smaller groups. Another lady and myself went with Michael to Cathedral Rock and hiked down into a canyon with a lovely stream. We put our feet in the water and then layed out in the sun. Michael took us through a chakra clearing exercise and then another exercise to work on some inner things. One of the things I wanted to work on was my inner child and bringing more joy into my life. Just as I layed down with that intention a hummingbird flew right over top of me from my crown to my feet and flew up and into the trees in front of me. I had chills as Michael told me that hummingbirds represent joy and that joy was there for me.

On Wednesday it was time for me to return home. Somewhat reluctantly I packed my suitcase and gathered myself together for the trip home. The two hour drive from Sedona to Phoenix went smoothly, the scenery awe-inspiring. The three hour flight from Phoenix to Cinncinati went without a hitch and it flew by (pardon the pun!). The only glitch in the whole trip was a two hour delay in Cinncinati where the flight attendant was delayed in Orlando. I took the opportunity to send Reiki to everyone waiting and to one gentleman in particular who seemed quite agitated by the whole thing. Once the flight attendant was on board we were on our way and the hour flight to Madison was smooth and uneventful.
I wish I could say I'm happy to be home. Don't get me wrong . . . I'm grateful for my husband, my pets and my home. But something is different. I'm different. Who knows what the future holds and all I can do is trust in the Universe to put me in the right place at the right time for the right purpose. Isn't that all anybody can do? And so I wait . . .